"come on feet, come on move"
19 June 2010
"You don't have any money anyway."
"It's just a stupid bill and they're mean and you don't like them."
"Screw them!"
"You really did only get like 3 hours of sleep last night, don't you deserve a nap? Yes, of course you do."
" Three letters: D V R. As in, you have the season premiers of True Blood, Top Chef, AND The Real L word recorded. You're welcome."
Or my personal favorite,
"You have Vicodin."
Ah, Brain, how very smart you are! Always concerned with my well being! Always going the extra mile, like just when I think I've spent enough time sleeping or watching TV while bliss-ed out (a hearty Thank You! to my new favorite doctor btw) on prescription drugs, you see fit to inundate me with a seemingly mindless and incoherent stream of random thoughts.
For example:
"I should really call that guy today. But how much will they accept? They'll just be mad I didn't keep up my end of the bargain before. I wonder if we have any ice cream left. I bet Landon ate all the ice cream. Stupid Landon. Stupid medical marijuana license. They're going to make me feel like a blight to society. I'm tired. If I go to sleep I'll probably be late for work, again. That's extra bad when you work from home. It's hot. I should probably ask Landon how much to pay these people, he'll know what to do. He'll just be mean about it. Maybe I'll call him anyway and just sit there with nothing to say, until he say's he has to go. By then I'll come up with something. Should I just watch Duplicity?" Etc. Etc. Etc.
Hey Brain, Go You!
But wait, Brain, what is this? My debit card won't work? I'm standing at the checkout line at the store, my son pouring juice all over himself while getting progressively more pissed off about being covered in juice, juice I apparently can't pay for? But it's pay day!! Brain, what is going on? What? They took all of our money? That company you distracted me from calling, so effectively I practically forgot they existed, They took ALL of our money???
Well shit Brain, what's your brilliant plan this time????
I am such a spaz.
Oooh. True Blood.
05 June 2009
so long so long so long
i got to thinking just now about how strangley the mind works. about how difficult it can be to just enjoy the things that make you happy. what a struggle it can be for some of us, sometimes.
i began to wonder if it's a personal thing, a reflection of my family life, childhood. just the things i was tought. or perhaps a societal thing, american in nature. or maybe its just another peice of the human condition?
how strange is it, that we can live so deeply imbedded in painful emotions, like fear. even when we cannot name that which makes us afraid we allow it to take over completley. how much i've let it take over-unable to find joy in the most precious things. just thinking about being sad made me so very, very sad. makes me.
i'll spend weeks just in a daze, not really doing anything. and when i realize it i'll spend days being down about it, sad and angry with myself. the world. and then i'll have brief moments, like today, when i acutally feel happy, motivated, energized and hopeful. trying not to think about how fleeting these feelings can be, trying not to let that fear bring me back down. i try so hard not to think about all of the wonderful moments in miles' young life i may have missed because of my depression and try to remember instead that tomorrow, the next month, the next year CAN be better-if i let them.
thats the key.
it's so hard to stop trying to MAKE myself happy. to realize that if i can just slow down, just live within each minute, each second as it happens, life will slow down and this is when i will find my joy.
'why me' 'why now' 'why not' 'why'.
these questions are empty of any real meaning, yet heavy with the weight of despair and doubt.
the other day on NPR i heard a man quote a freind, "why is a question for children, how is a question for adults."
i feel like an addict struggling through recovery. in truth i sometimes envy substance abusers, because they have something to show the world. others may not understand why they have the dependencies they do, but at least they can see the problem. how do you show someone what it's like to be addicted to being sad?
12 December 2008
Bettie Page, legendary pinup queen, dies at 85
Dec 12, 2008, 08:30 AM | by Mike Bruno
Categories: In Memoriam
Bettie Page, the 1950s pinup credited with helping to spark the next decade's sexual revolution, died in Los Angeles yesterday from pneumonia. She was 85. In honor of the passing of this treasure from a bygone era, an excerpt from EW critic Owen Gleiberman's review of the 2006 biopic, The Notorious Bettie Page:
"It has often been said that Bettie Page, the legendary '50s pinup with the pert features framed by those famously severe black bangs, was the rare American sex goddess who was equally at home projecting the image of a good girl or a bad girl. Frolicking, naked, in the ocean foam, her leg extended with playful pleasure, she was all dazzle and sunshine: the girl next door who said yes yes yes. In her scandalous underground bondage photos, where she posed as a dominatrix with a whip held high, or as a masochist with a ball in her mouth, she vamped like a pussycat from hell, her eyes narrowing with mean delight — or widening in mock terror. Yet the mysterious alchemy of Bettie Page isn't just that she could turn on a dime from light to dark, saint to sinner, virgin to vixen. It's that she was somehow able to project both qualities at once. In the bondage photos, so shocking for their time, her warm, spirited, peekaboo vibrance doesn't disappear; it's there just beneath the surface aggression of her poses. As for her all-American cheesecake shots, they have a quality of delirious, laughing abandon, as though she were winking at the she-devil inside. What Bettie Page conjured — always — was the promise of pleasure without limits. She was a one-woman orgy in centerfold form."
Good night, Bettie. Although it's a cliche, there really is no truer summation than to say, they just don't make 'em like they used to.
03 December 2008

i'm really not sure how i feel about this whole unemployment situation. i'm trying to look at it positively, i know it's an opportunity to do something different, something more, that i probably would not have taken otherwise but the timing just couldn't be worse. unemployment won't be much because of my recent maternity leave and working less hours, and there just aren't a lot of jobs right now, especially for someone who can't work until after 4pm. i guess i'll just have to see how it goes. the bigger task for now is going to be managing to keep my cool at this place for the next 4 weeks...
20 November 2008
19 November 2008
just write.
i don't really know why this has been bugging me so much except that maybe i've been feeling a little too isolated latley. i'm in a relationship with someone who i don't really talk to, and i'm lacking people in my life i feel comfortable with and close too. there have been very few people in my life i've felt really understood me, who i've been able to connect with. and most of them are no longer really in my life. i have good friends of course, who love and respect me, who support me in every way they can, but there are still things missing. interests we don't really share.
there's really only about2 or 3 people i can think of that i really felt connected to in my adult life, and i miss those relationships. freindships. they didn't last long. for some reason we no longer really speak, and i wish i knew why. i wish i had the courage to call or write and just say, 'hey-i miss you. i'd really love to just talk to you for a while. i want to know what's going on in your life.' i think a big part of the issue is that the people i've always gotten along with best are men, and those friendships are too often confused with romance. it's really hard to have an intimate relationship with someone of the opposite sex without it being about sex. which really makes me sad.
more than anything though, i really want to know why those freindships dissolved so easily and completley. i need to know, but i don't want it to keep happening. i already i know i tear appart or in some way ruin every other relationship in my life. i need to know how so i can keep it from happening again.
i'm afraid to even admit to this blog, which i'm pretty sure no one even reads (but please comment if you do so i know your here), everything thats been going on in my head latley. i'm ashamed to admit that the only reason i'm still trying to make my relationship with L work is Miles. I don't know. maybe if we had some kind of foundation to build on i'd have more hope, but looking back i fear we may have been doomed to fail from the start. admitting it makes it seem like i'd regret having miles, but that will never be true. no matter how things end up he was a gift. a wonderful shining light. but unfortunatley you cant build a relationship on a child. i wish it were that simple, i really do. i wish with all my heart it was enough. i think it's time i really start admiting to myself that i'm not cut out for commitment of that kind. i don't know how to function in relationships. i had no real model for relationships as a child and i don't know where to start, how to act, who to be. i over analyze everything. i find fault when there is none. it's not something i know how to control, and it makes everything hard. ususally by know i would have just walked away. or ran. it was always a quick and simple way to end things when they got too hard. but now that it's not an option, i dont know what to do. i hate myself for putting L through the things i do. neither of us are perfect, but i have this inability to just Be Happy. and i'm tired. i'm just so tired of feeling shitty and making him feel shitty in return. even if he's not the reason i feel bad in the first place. although admittedly he's done his share, it's not fair to point the finger. i'm responsible for how i act and treat the people around me. i'm just reaching a point where i need to either get it together and figure it out and make it work or just let go. but neither option seems possible.
it's all just so exausting.