
30 August 2008

pictures just make the world look better.

every time i go anywhere with my camera things just start looking so much better. suddenly everything becomes more interesting. suddenly everything deserves to have its picture taken. faces are more animated, flowers and trees more colorful.... you get the idea. its just such a nice feeling, after walking around taking pictures for a few hours i suddenly see the beauty in things more clearly, i'm much more attentive to the world around me. so much so in fact, that its almost dangerous. i should not be allowed to operate heavy machinery, make important decisions, be held responsible for things for at least an hour afterwords, i'm still far too distracted. rather, i should just be left alone to peacefully stare out the window until i start to snap out of it a little bit.

that said, we (we being landon's mom and brother and miles and i) went down to the boulder creek fest. it's the second one of the summer, and by far not as interesting/crowded as the first, which i unfortunately missed this year, but still worth the trip. not that there can ever be anything wrong with being by the creek in downtown boulder in summertime. really, it doesn't get much better than that. there's the mall of course which is always good for people watching, the weather is beautiful, there's always plenty of shade if your hot and sun if your not. (disregard my cheesy unintentional rhyme). i really need to get down there as much as possible while the nice weather lasts. its one place that always feels nice and peaceful and homey to me. very relaxing, and god knows i need to relax a little more. it was nice spending some time with landon's fam, even though landon couldn't be there. he's in MN right now for his goddaughters christening.

i needed nothing more today than to get out and enjoy some sunshine and good atmosphere with some people who don't judge me, and have no intentions other than to enjoy themselves and spend some time with miles. my day started out great, and quickly turned disastrous once my mother and sister got involved. there's no need to go into more detail than my sister called and screamed at me because i didn't want to jump up and run to meet her so she could make me try on a bridesmaids dress and she could prove i'm bigger that she is, and to top it off my mother, who was supposed to be spending the day with us decided instead that it was a good day to get drunk before 1 pm and then got mad when i wouldn't let her hold my son. we actually ran into my mom later on at the creek fest, it was sad an awkward, there were tears in her eyes and you could tell she was hurt and uncomfortable. she just radiated sadness. everyone picked up on it. i just can't keep feeling guilty for her choices.

on the plus side i picked up a very pretty ring and collin and i got some very nice pictures which i'll post later on.

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