look at him, your son. your beautiful, beautiful baby boy. you are his mother. you are the source of everything he needs. you provide warmth, sustenance, shelter, comfort, love. he looks to you to soothe him when he's afraid, calm him when he's upset, feed him when he's hungry, nurture him at all times. you will be there, to celebrate his highs and pick him up when he's down. you will instill in him strength, courage, integrity. ensure that he lives with an open mind and an open heart. teach him to be compassionate, caring, forgiving and kind. to be independent and self aware. give him the confidence to bold. you want nothing more than the very best of everything for him. you hope to shelter him from all of the things that brought you tears and pain as a child, knowing that you will often fail. you desire to make him better than you are, and wonder how you will ever be the example that he needs. you want to learn from your own mistakes so he wont have to.
you delight in watching him grow. every new sound, every new movement, every new emotion is a joy to behold. you eagerly await his first steps, his first words. you try to guide him as he finds his place in his new world. you watch, and you listen and you learn. you see in him the wisdom that only babies have. wonder and delight at new things, eagerness to learn and discover. an openness to new experiences. pure unfiltered emotions. untainted by selfishness or doubt. you will learn from one another and together you will grow, and face the face the world.
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